What do I need to bring to class?
Please bring your own yoga mat, water bottle and personal blanket/shawl to studio classes. Wear ‘layered’ clothing, so that you can be comfortable during the different phases of the class.
How do I get to the studio?
We practise out of the TEMPLE PARK Senior Citizens’ Centre, located in Brunswick. Public transport options include: the No. 58 tram which goes along Grantham St (6 mins walk) or Jewell Station (9 mins walk). There is the 504 bus that services along Brunswick Road, also (4 mins walk). Or the No. 19 Tram, along Sydney Road (12 mins walk). Parking in Moreland is not difficult at this time of evening. Some restrictions apply.
What class should I attend?
If you are new to yoga, the Monday class is most suitable.
If you have some experience with postures, but little experience with sitting and pranayama, this class is also recommended (at least for one course).
Students considering attending the Thursday class are requested to speak with Antonia prior to attending.
What happens in a 2 hour class?
Each class involves meditation at the start, and then we share any practice questions or other yoga study matters. Following this, we practise pranayama, then asana, then relaxation. Students can rest at any time, and are always encouraged to respect their body’s capacities as they change week to week.
Can I attend both the Monday and the Thursday classes?
Some students choose to attend both classes each week. This attracts at 20% discount on the Monday course. The Monday class allows them to refine their foundational practice, and to attend to nuances of the so-called ‘simpler’ postures. The Thursday class allows them to continue to deepen their understanding and to work in a subtle and committed way. Please speak with Antonia if you would like to attend both courses — a discount may apply.
Is there a rate for Yoga Teachers?
Yes. Teacher members of Yoga Australia (or another relevant accreditation body) receive a discount of 15% on course fees.
What do I need to get started in a home practice?
Vijñāna yoga requires very few accessories.
There are, however, a few things that it can be helpful to have:
The last is available through the website for Vijñāna Yoga International.