Retreats are held regularly throughout the year, usually around public holidays. Retreats run for between two and five days, and are held at Clearview Retreat, which is 90 minutes from Melbourne, off the Hume Highway, just past Strath Creek, in the King Parrot Valley, with views to Mt Buller.
For the full schedule of retreats, please visit the Clearview Website
Next in-person retreat:
4 Day Easter Retreat: 17th – 24th April 2025
Aligning with Vastness
This longer retreat is a special opportunity to revisit and dwell in the spaciousness of what practising reveals. Using the steady techniques of sitting, breathing, moving, resting and respectful inquiry, these four days of yoga invite you to clarify intentions, rest the heartmind and listen closely to what can be drowned out by practical or habitual pressures and life rhythms. Consider joining other yogis and meditators, close to forest and sky, for an inclusive and curious exploration of yoga practice and its transformative atmospheres.
Call Jocelyn Bennett for reservations and further information: 0437813737
Places are limited and accommodation is a mix of single rooms and shared. Camping rate also possible. Reserve early.
General Information: Residential Retreats
Retreats offer students a way to consolidate their yoga and to clarify their intentions regarding practice, and more broadly. The structure of a retreat can enable considerable relaxation and recovery over a relatively short time frame. Retreats involve the four aspects of yoga practice – sitting, pranayama, asana, and study/inquiry.
The combination of simple food, clean air, a kind and safe environment and a consistent schedule is a way to find one’s personal direction and rhythm again, as well as building commitment to yoga practice.
They can interrupt cycles of adrenaline exhaustion, introduce sustainable patterns, and provide the space to invite new feelings and perspectives.
Prices include all tuition, vegetarian food and accommodation. Car pooling is often arranged, to reduce the environmental impact of travel and to assist those needing transport.
Intensives encourage students to develop their tenacity and to deepen their commitment to practice and general understanding of yoga. Classes are suitable for general attendance, and may involve longer meditation and relaxation sessions, some study of texts and chanting, workshop-style asana classes, where students can work on new poses, as well as time for discussion and sharing.
Check back towards late May 2025 for more info on the next Intensive.
Join our mailing list for updates. (We email infrequently and primarily with news of upcoming courses.)
Please email us at Vijnana Yoga Australia to reserve your spot, stating the dates to which you are committing. We will reply to confirm.