Sometimes a devoted student of yoga, feeling that they would like to share sincerely their love of practice and growing understanding, decides to train as a teacher.
Depending on the structure and opportunities associated with the Teacher Training program, there may be more or less on-going support after qualification.
Vijnana Yoga Australia offers a space for recently certified teachers who feel that they (and, by extension, their students) would benefit from their having on-going support and a study context to accompany the teaching journey.
The program involves:
Inquiries can be sent to info [AT] vijnanayogaaustralia [DOT] org to request further details.
It is anticipated that applicants would have a home practice (or be ready to develop one as part of the mentoring commitment) & to attend weekly Vijnana Melbourne Intermediate classes (if based in Melbourne, or to engage in the remote class options) & to engage in other related study, discussion and supportive processes.